2024 Candidate Information

Nathan Butler for hd26

Nathan’s Vision For HD26

In the face of challenges and opportunities ahead for HD26 in 2025, our campaign is dedicated to addressing the most pressing issues with practical, impactful solutions. The economy stands at the forefront of our concerns. The closure of one of the state’s largest power plants, soaring inflation, and lagging employment growth in Colorado demand immediate attention. Drawing on experience from my tenure in the City Council, I pledge to prioritize pro-economic growth policies and oppose legislation that burdens our community without delivering real benefits.

Brent Romick For Routt County Commissioner District 1

About Brent

Brent Romick, a six decade Routt County resident, has been a stalwart champion of Routt County promoting proper land use, business, agriculture, programs and activities that make Routt County legendary. Brent was an early participant and competitor in the Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club and the co-founder of the Steamboat Springs Pro Rodeo Series. Brent’s resume includes many more contributions to Routt County that qualify him as the best candidate to represent Routt County voters in order to manage thoughtful growth, transportation, open space and much needed infrastructure improvements.

Tracy Lawton for Routt County Commissioner District 2

Tracy’s Vision

Tracy Lawton, a 40 year ranch owner, former rodeo cowboy, District Manager, and family man, has a simple approach to being County Commissioner…listen, understand, and ensure the success of Routt County’s future through dialogue. To the Greeks dia-logos meant a free-flowing of meaning through a group, allowing the group to discover insights not attainable individually. Tracy believes not all voices are heard and that creates a problem when solving what Routt County needs to focus on now and for the future.